AMSOIL Synthetic Diesel Motor Oils help decrease
downtime and increase profits.
Miles Without an Oil Change |
AMSOIL Synthetic 15W-40 Heavy Duty Diesel
and Marine Oil this 1990 Mack E7-400 owned
by Haywood Gray went 409,000 Miles
Without an Oil Change !!
Wear control AMSOIL synthetic diesel
motor oils have been proven to keep wear rates lower
than conventional oils do (see graph below). Synthetic
basestocks reduce friction more effectively than conventional
basestocks do, which lowers wear rates and helps keep
engine heat from climbing excessively. Outstanding
quality antiwear additives protect surfaces from wear
in conditions in which a full lubricating film does
not develop.
Acid neutralization and soot
control AMSOIL synthetic diesel motor oils
are 12 Total Base Number (TBN) oils and have been
proven to neutralize acids and control corrosion for
longer periods than conventional oils do The top-quality
detergents responsible for long-term acid neutralization
also inhibit deposit formation on hot engine surfaces.
AMSOIL synthetic diesel motor oils highly effective
dispersants control soot and other contaminants for
long-lasting protection against wear and sludge formation.
temperature fluidity AMSOIL synthetic diesel
motor oils remain fluid in low temperatures. Low temperature
fluidity helps engines start in cold temperatures
and ensures rapid cold-temperature post-startup protection.
Chemical and physical stability
AMSOIL synthetic diesel motor oils offer superior
thermal, oxidative and shear stability. Thermal stability
allows them to work in high temperatures without undergoing
molecular breakdown with consequent increases in oil
consumption and formation of sludge precursors. Oxidative
stability allows them to work in high temperatures
without undergoing chemical changes leading to oil
thickening, loss of lubricating ability, and sludge
and acid formation. Shear stability keeps them from
falling out of viscosity grade and losing their ability
to protect against metal-to-metal contact and wear
in engine operating temperatures as a result of shear
Fuel economy AMSOIL
synthetic diesel motor oils low coefficient
of friction improves fuel economy by reducing the
loss of power to friction. Fuel economy increases
of five percent are common with AMSOIL synthetic diesel
motor oils.
Extended drain intervals
Fleet demonstrations show AMSOIL synthetic
diesel motor oils protect engines more effectively
for extended drain intervals than conventional oils
do for conventional drain intervals Many truckers
use AMSOIL synthetic diesel motor oils indefinitely,
using oil analysis as their guide to oil changes.
3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel Oil
AMSOIL Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30
Heavy Duty Diesel Oil, formulated for diesel and gasoline
engine use, offers a combination of engine protection
and fuel economy unmatched by other oils. Independent
lab tests show Series 3000 outprotects other popular
diesel oils even 15W-40 grade oil by a wide
margin. Series 3000 improves fuel economy. Testing
performed by an independent facility showed that class
8trucks with AMSOIL Series 3000 in the engines and
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants in the drivetrains obtained
up to 8.2 percent more mpg than matched trucks lubricated
with conventional products. Its a proven long
drain oil. An ongoing fleet demonstration shows Series
3000 used continuously for 80,000 miles offers better
TBN and viscosity retention, soot control and wear
prevention than does popular conventional 15W-40 oil
changed at 20,000 mile intervals.

15W-40 Heavy Duty Diesel and Marine Oil
AMSOIL Synthetic 15W-40 Heavy Duty
Diesel and Marine Oil has been proven superior to
conventional oils in fleet demonstrations and countless
miles of over-the-road use.
AMSOIL Synthetic 15W-40 Heavy Duty
Diesel and Marine Oil increases fuel economy, reduces
wear rates, provides extended drain service and saves
truckers significant money.
Synthetic 5W-40 Premium Diesel Oil
AMSOIL Synthetic 5W-40 (DEO) is the premium choice
for API CJ-4 emission quality diesel oil required
by model year 2007 and newer diesel engines. It delivers
extraordinary lubrication in diesel engines found
in commercial, fleet and personal vehicles. Built
with the latest additive and synthetic base oil technology,
AMSOIL Synthetic 5W-40 Diesel Oil exceeds the higher
performance demands of modern engines. It withstands
the stress of heat, soot and acids to help prevent
deposits, corrosion and wear. AMSOIL Synthetic 5W-40,
with its broad viscosity range, is ideal for winter
and summer use. It resists breakdown and can extend
drain intervals when monitored by oil analysis.
15W-40 Gasoline & Diesel Motor Oil
AMSOIL Semi-Synthetic Gasoline and
Diesel Motor Oil offers the advantages of a synthetic
at a more affordable price. AMSOIL Semi-Synthetic
Gasoline and Diesel Motor Oil provides outstanding
high and low temperature protection, thermal and oxidative
stability and retention of TBN, dispersancy and viscosity.
It is an ideal extended drain lubricant.
SAE 30Diesel Motor Oil
AMSOIL Synthetic SAE 30 Diesel Motor
Oil offers outstanding high and low temperature service
and protection. Its low temperature fluidity is superior
to that of conventional 15W-40 motor oils. Its shear
stability, low volatility and high temperature film
strength make it ideal for high-stress applications.