Innovation, Efficiency &
mechanized society cannot function without lubricants.
The dilemma is that oil is both necessary for our
life style and potentially destructive to nature.
Quite simply, we must select innovative, efficient
products that will help solve our pollution problems.
The introduction of AMSOIL synthetic
motor oil in 1972 set all new standards for motor
oil quality. AMSOIL lubricants are 100% synthetic.
They are specially designed to protect engine components,
reduce emissions, last longer, reduce fuel consumption
and prevent environmental pollution. From the beginning,
AMSOIL synthetic motor oils have out performed conventional
petroleum motor oils on all counts.
AMSOIL synthetic motor oils resist
chemical breakdown and sludging that keeps engines
cleaner. They have been specially designed not to
oxidize, volatilize or shear back, resulting in a
motor oil that lasts longer than conventional petroleum
motor oils. While petroleum motor oil manufacturers
recommend oil changes every 3,000 miles, AMSOIL synthetic
motor oils protect engine components up to 35,000
miles or 1 year, dramatically extending oil change

Each year, it
is estimated U.S. Citizens dump more than
240,000,000 gallons of oil down sewers or
into landfills. If you use petroleum oil
and drain your oil every 3,000 miles, you
will use about 40 quarts of oil (over 25,000
miles) - enough to fill up a 10-gallon aquarium.
By using AMSOIL, you can cut that consumption
down to almost zero.
AMSOIL Prescription for Prevention
According to the U.S Department
of Energy' Pollution Prevention Requirements, the
first step in revitalizing a cleaner nation is pollutant
source reduction. AMSOIL accomplishes this by extending
the interval between motor oil changes that can reduce
the source of motor oil pollution more than eleven
Consider this: in 1993 an estimated
189.5 million motorized vehicles were on the road
in the United States alone, and an estimated 700 million
motorized vehicles were in operation throughout the
world. If, by petroleum oil manufacturer's recommendations,
these vehicles have their oil changed every 3,000
miles on an average five-quart system, almost 1 billion
quarts of used oil will be generated each month.
So are we drowning in oil? It is
estimated at present that over 240 million gallons
of oil are improperly discarded annually. Dumping
240 million gallons of oil is nearly the same as two
Exxon Valdez spills each month.
How dangerous is used oil? Just
one quart can produce a two-acre oil slick. One gallon
of oil can make one million gallons of water too foul
to drink and 35 ppm of oil will kill fish. Improperly
disposed used oil is dangerous.
Improperly dumped used oil seeps
through landfills into ground water, disrupts bacterial
digestion in sewer treatment plants and washes into
lakes and harbors. At present, use motor oil is the
largest single source of oil pollution in our nation's
waterways. Certainly the first thing we can do is
not create so much used oil to begin with
the United States Department of Energy seems to agree.
of Waste Oil in the U.S.:
Picture two columns
of trucks occupying both lanes of a highway stretching
from Los Angeles to New York City - all filled
with 55-gallon drums of dirty oil. That's how
much oil will be drained if all the cars (excluding
trucks, buses, and taxis) in the U.S. change oil
every 3,000 miles over the course of 100,000 miles. |
Does All The Used Oil Go?
- 40% is dumped
on the ground or down the sewer.
- 20% is thrown
out with the trash, ending up in landfills.
- 6% is burned.
- 19% is reused
for miscellaneous purposes.
- 14% is recycled.
Prevent Billions of Quarts
From Being Dumped
Most automobile manufacturers recommend
oil drain intervals of 3,000 to 6,000 miles for petroleum
motor oils. AMSOIL recommends up to a 35,000 mile
oil change which is 5 to 11 times fewer oil changes.
Just think about the savings on the environment if,
for example, the 135 million cars (excluding trucks,
buses and taxis) in the United States were equipped
with AMSOIL motor oil. Assuming an average service-life
of 100,000 miles and an oil capacity of 5 quarts each,
11.4 billion to 23.3 billion quarts of used oil will
be generated during a regular service lifetime (with
regular oil changes every 3,000 to 6,000 miles). If
you put 22.3 billion quarts of used oil into 55-gallon
barrels and loaded them onto semi-trucks, a line of
trucks would stretch end-to-end from Los Angeles to
Washington D.C. and back to Los Angeles.
To Say It Another Way,
AMSOIL Reduces Oil Use In The Crankcase by 80% to
90%! A REAL solution -- not talk -- for those who
are serious about a "green solution."
For nearly three decades, AMSOIL
Inc. has been recognized as the leader in synthetic
lubrication technology. AMSOIL was the first to introduce
a synthetic motor oil qualified by the American Petroleum
Institute, the first to recommend 25,000-mile/1-year
drain intervals, the first to recommend 35,000-mile/1-year
drain intervals, and the first to implement a system
for dramatically increasing drain intervals with oil
analysis. Decades of research, laboratory analysis
and millions of engine miles have kept AMSOIL the
leader in automotive applications for synthetic lubrication.
Although the results have paid off in maximizing efficiency
and minimizing waste, they are not conclusive. AMSOIL
is the leader in synthetics and with continued research,
analysis and product development, will remain the
industry's leader.
Looking Toward the Future
In 1983 AMSOIL created the TRI-GARD
system. The life of a lubricant is dependent on the
quality of oil and the filtration system's ability
to keep it clean. The AMSOIL TRI-GARD system incorporates
AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil, the AMSOIL Foam Air Filter,
the AMSOIL By-Pass Filter and oil analysis to dramatically
extend the oil change interval. Less oil changed means
less oil disposal and less oil pollution.
With regards to the environment,
the AMSOIL Tri-Gard System is the most technologically
sound, environmentally friendly motor oil program
to reduce oil disposal.
The AMSOIL Commitment
As our world strengthens
its environmental policies and grapples with pollution
issues, the ecological wisdom of using synthetic lubricants
becomes obvious AMSOIL synthetic lubricants becomes
obvious. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils outlast regular
petroleum-base oils by as much as eleven times. These
remarkably long drain intervals help ease the world's
waste-disposal problem; users of synthetics simply
have much less oil and fewer plastic containers to
deal with. The combined use of AMSOIL motor oil, air
and oil filters and engine oil analysis has now made
one-fill, zero-waste lubrication a reality.
The superior lubricity of AMSOIL
products means much less friction, drag and wear on
critical engine parts. The resulting improvement in
fuel efficiency and reduction of emission levels contribute
to the conservation of natural resources and protection
of the atmosphere. Additionally, AMSOIL has made the
technology of biodegradability a top research priority,
with encouraging recent successes.
AMSOIL INC. is determined to meet
the challenge of the lubrication industry's environmental
responsibilities head on. Our long-standing quality
products lead the way to a greener, healthier planet
for the next generation.
A Note From the Founder of
might sound strange coming from the founder and CEO
of an oil company, but we at AMSOL can't be happier
about the nation's stronger commitment to cleaning
up the environment. It means that we're taking our
first steps toward an ecological future that will
benefit generations to come.
Another reason for our happiness
is that we are among a tiny fraction of manufacturers
who have a product that nestles very nicely into the
next millennia of environmental products. We manufacture
very high quality synthetic lubricants - high quality
not only because we want them to be, but in a field
dominated by corporate giants, quality is imperative.
It's the only way we can survive.
It's a wonderful characteristic
of our synthetic oils that they outlast regular oils
by as much as eight times. In fact, with proper filtrations
and oil analysis, our oils have gone 100,000 miles
or more without draining.
For the environment, long drain
intervals mean less waste disposal, less used oil
finding its way into sewers and landfills, less oil
purchases and fewer plastic containers to deal with
(ours do have the recycle symbol for easy waste management).
And we've shown our oils reduce fuel and oil consumption,
as well as emissions.
Selling a product in the 1990s that
reduces pollution is not a bad way to make a living.
We think that we're a small - but important - part
of the solution, and being part of the solution is
just fine!
The paradox here is that in this
case environmentalism and oil do mix. At AMSOIL, we
hope our commitment to quality benefits you in even
more important ways than just saving time and money;
we hope it will benefit generations to come. And that's
good news for our friends to come, like the little
guy in the photo - my grandson, Danny.
Albert J. Amatuzio
Founder & President