The Importance of Engine
Filtration |
to microscopic dirt particles, your engine is a Goliath,
roaring with heat and energy as it converts fuel into
raw horsepower. But despite all this power, your engine
is extremely vulnerable to the threat of microscopic
engine dirt. In fact, if unchecked, this tiny menace
will dramatically erode your engine's performance and
can eventually cripple it beyond repair.
Engine Wear - Automotive
experts agree that dirt is the number one cause of
engine wear. At first glance, it does not seem
possible. Engine dirt particles are so small-
mere dust specs- and an engine is a highly sophisticated
piece of machinery, crafted from the most durable
metal alloys. How can these minute particles
bring down such a high-tech giant? The answer
lies in the fact that dirt particles are extremely
abrasive. They consist of razor-like flakes
of road dust and airborne grit drawn into the
engine through the air intake, as well as manufacturing
scarf and wear metal particles generated inside the
engine. These particles are carried by the oil
into the precision clearances between bearings and
other moving parts. Once they work in between
these parts, they grind and gouge surfaces, altering
clearances, and generating more abrasive debris.
As this wear cycle continues, precision components
become progressively sloppy and fatigued until they
fail altogether.
Oil Degradation -
In addition to physically assaulting engine components,
dirt and other contaminants work to degrade the oil
that provides vital engine lubrication. Sooty
particles generated during combustion can be forced
past piston rings and into the oil. These particles
act like tiny sponges, absorbing critical additives
and shortening oil life. Soot also wreaks havoc
with viscosity by causing oil to thicken. And
in the presence of moisture, common by-products of
combustion will react chemically to produce corrosive
and rust-producing acids.
AMSOIL Oil and Air
Filters - Filtration is the key to preventing
costly repairs caused by engine dirt. Filtration
is simply a method of removing contaminants by trapping
and holding them outside the system of oil circulation.
In order for filtration to be truly effective, however,
it must be able to capture contaminants of all types
and sizes.
New AMSOIL Ea line of state of
the art Oil and Air Filters

Ea Oil Filters
AMSOIL INC. of Superior, WI announces
the introduction of its new Ea Oil Filter line featuring
advanced full synthetic nanofiber technology. The
new Ea Oil Filters tout improved lubricant flow, improved
cold-start performance, reduced operating costs and
extended service intervals. AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters
are the highest efficiency filters on the market for
automotive and light truck applications.
AMSOIL is the first in the industry
to offer a full synthetic media in a cartridge style
filter. The Ea synthetic media is made of fibers with
a controlled size and shape that are significantly
smaller in diameter than conventional filters. Extensive
testing shows that AMSOIL Ea Oil Filters provide a
near perfect absolute efficiency rating.
Ea Air Filters
AMSOIL INC. of Superior, WI announces
the introduction of a new premium, high efficiency
air filter utilizing nanofiber technology with a four
year/100,000 mile service life guarantee and superior
air flow. Positioning itself to be a world class leader
in filtration, the AMSOIL Ea Filter is incomparable
in both design and performance.
In lab testing Ea media with nanofibers
removed 5 times more dust than the average cellulose
filter and 50 times more dust than the average wet
gauze media. Ea media also has 3 times the airflow
of cellulose filters and is equal to wet gauze filters
at the very low 0.5 inches of restriction. The
proprietary Ea media held 15 times more dust than
the average wet gauze type filter. In short,
AMSOIL Ea Filters offer superior performance in the
three critical performance benchmarks of efficiency,
flow and capacity.
Advanced Full Synthetic media. Small, consistent
fibers trap smaller and hold more contaminants:
restriction is lower. |
Donaldson filters
are now available through all AMSOIL distribution channels
which include over 80,000 Dealers world wide.
About Donaldson
Company, Inc.
Donaldson Company, Inc. is a leading worldwide provider
of filtration systems and replacement parts. Founded
in 1915, Donaldson is a technology-driven company
committed to satisfying customer needs for filtration
solutions through innovative research and development.
Donaldson serves customers in the industrial and engine
markets including contamination control in fluid power
systems, bulk fuel and lube filtration, in-plant air
cleaning, compressed air and gas purification, power
generation, disk drive and microelectronics filtration,
off-road equipment and trucks.
In the last two
years, AMSOIL has introduced more new products and made
more technical advances than during any other period
in the companys storied 33-year history. AMSOIL
now provides engine oils for nearly every application,
multiple gear oils, greases, fuel additives and appearance
products. To offer a more wellrounded selection of automotive
products, AMSOIL also offers high quality products from
other manufacturers such as BOSCH. Recently, AMSOILs
focus has been on the filtration market. The recently
launched Ea Filter line includes the finest filtration
products in the world for the auto/light truck market,
and Donaldson covers the heavy-duty market. To complement
the Ea line of filters, AMSOIL now offers WIX filters,
allowing one-stop shopping for automotive customers.
AMSOIL will carry over 700 WIX air, oil, fuel, racing
and transmission filters for automotive and light truck
A History
of Excellence
WIX is well-known around the world for its innovative
filtration products for the automotive and light truck
market. Founded in 1939, the Gastonia, N.C., company
earned acclaim during World War II when it created
an oil filter out of a paper tube, wooden plugs and
yarn when steel was in short supply. In 1954 WIX created
the revolutionary spin-on oil filter that was eventually
adopted as original equipment on most vehicles.
Today WIX manufactures some of the
best air, lube, cabin air, fuel crank case breather
and transmission filtration products on the market.
The company is also widely known for its support of