- Absolute Protection from Engine
- Assurance of Analytically Clean
Even the best full flow-filter can't do it all.
Any full flow filter
must allow oil to pass through it quickly to keep
the engine from starving for oil. Advances in
auto technology and more compact engine designs place
increasing demands on these filters; to keep from
creating a circulation bottleneck they filter out
only the coarser particles, and feature relief valves
that open when the engines demand for lubrication
can't be ignored.
But the smallest grit
that passes through- road dust, manufacturing
scarf, and engine metal-flake in the 5- to 20-micron
range - accounts for up to 60% of all engine wear.
These microscopic particles closely match the precision
clearances between critical engine components; they
can enter the spaces between bearings, rings, and
other components, to damage metal surfaces, altering
tolerances, fatiguing components and generating additional
Automobile engines are
also susceptible to damage related to water formation,
something a full flow filter is powerless against.
Water enters the oil either as blowby combustion product
of fuel ignition, or as condensed moisture from air
drawn into the engine through the air intake.
Water causes metal surfaces to rust; it also reacts
with other blowby contaminants to produce corrosive
acids that attack the engine, contributing to further
friction, wear, debris, and oil degradation.
The AMSOIL Solution-
By-Pass Filtration
Unlike a full-flow filter,
the AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter is situated outside
of the main line of oil circulation; it taps into
the line to bleed off and clean only a portion
of the oil at a time. The AMSOIL Ea By-Pass
Filter retains the oil
longer and does a more thorough job of removing contaminants
without obstructing flow. You still need a full-flow
filter, of course, because oil must circulate continuously.
But with an AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filter drawing 10% of
your system's capacity, all the oil in a six-quart
system will be filtered to analytical purity in about
five minutes, at an average engine speed equivalent
to 45 mph.
The differences between
the AMSOIL Ea By-Pass Filters and others are the unique
design of the filtering media and the patented construction
of the filter element. Our high-capacity filtration
medium is a special blend of virgin wood and cotton
fibers formed into disc, stacked, and compressed.
The center tube is all-steel, perforated for oil flow
and wrapped with a fine mesh cotton screen.
All dirt particles down to one-tenth of a micron
in size are trapped, and the medium's thirsty cellulose
fibers can remove up to a pint of water. Channeling
is eliminated with the inclusion of a hydraulic
follower plate activated by a sophisticated internal
pressure system.